Conscious TV Interview 12 8 2010 (1-4) Bi Location….
In this interview that was made into a youtube, one of the interviews shares a story of meeting me at an event. The strange thing is….. I was not at that event. The idea of bi location is discussed and...
View ArticleHeart-Sharing and 2012 Ustream Interview
2012 has become a phrase that brings fear to people around the world. This phrase is creating a vision of darkness and many people are also creating this and supporting this with their teachings. I on...
View ArticleDreams, when I was little…
Dear Miriam, When I was very young I used to have the same dream about driving in a car that no one was driving. I was always in the passenger seat and the car, sort of, drove itself. In the car I was...
View ArticleMeditation on our Universal Light Interview with GIC. Creation meditation.
REMEMBERING YOUR DIVINE SPARK OF LIGHT During an interview with Global Illumination Council Radio Hosts Dr Bernard Alvarez and Yvonne Wykes allowed for an opportunity to share this meditation. It is a...
View ArticleYour message
Hello Miriam, I have registered in your website just after seeing your videos in youtube, and other sites in the net. The honesty and feelings you put on all of your speeches is remarkable. I felt...
View ArticleSupport Japan and our global community
Tragedy struck Japan on March 11, 2011 with a massive tsunami that has taken the lives of many people. Also, the the world will feel the effects of this global event as waters reach around the globe to...
View ArticleKerry Cassidy in South Africa LIVESTREAM March 12/13
Kerry Cassidy is in South Africa at this moment. If you would like to join in on a conference live stream. Micheal Tellinger and many others will be presenting. More information:
View ArticlePrayer Request from his Holliness the Dalai Lama
The Dalai Lama recently send a global message requesting people/monks to chant the Heart Sutra or to listen to it and visualize healing for Japan, or Earth. Here is a video on youtube where you will...
View ArticleTraditional Hopi Vote NO to Proposed Constitution protecting Religion
NEW VIDEO PLEASE WATCH AND SHARE> (More still to come) This is a very happy post to write. The Traditional Hopi have been in conflict with the Tribe over a proposed constitution that would have take...
View ArticleHome in Canada
The past five months as you know I have been with the Hopi doing what I could to get the message out to the world that they were facing a crisis and potential threat to their way of life. With many...
View ArticleArchive: Awake in the Dream Radio 19-11-2013
Joining Laura Eisenhower and Dr Dream in this interview. Mark (Dr Dream) and Laura are amazing people and it was such a pleasure to meet them for the first time on my last trip to see the Hopi. The...
View Article2014 More Messages of the Extraterrestrials
As I reflect on the past 25 years of my life I see a world that has changed. Never could I have imagined what my life would be like today and how my interactions with extraterrestrials could shape...
View ArticleInterview Night Magick Radio: January 30 9:00pm Pacific Miriam Delicado
2nd Hour Guest: Miriam Delicado She has been a two time guest on Coast to Coast She is in constant contact with Aliens from another star system. These beings are both physical and inter-dimensional...
View ArticleHow extraterrestrial contact is changing the world.
UFOs and Alien Contacts are important for the future of humanity. As the number of contacts and sightings around the world increase, so does the awakening of our inner questioning of what is really...
View ArticleSacred Water Circle May 2,3 and 4th, 2014 Ontario Canada
All over the world People are working together to protect and respect Life giving Waters. I have the honor to attend this event as we continue to share the importance of the Sacred Elements that give...
View ArticleBrazil May 16-18 2014 World Forum of Contactees
It is with great honor to attend this Conference in Brazil with many of the worlds top contactees such as Debbie Jordan of Intruders and Travis Walton of Fire in the Sky. There will be guests from all...
View ArticleUpdate July 10, 2014 from Costa Rica to Brazil to the Hopi.
What exactly is it that you do Miriam? This is one of the most popular questions that people ask me when I meet them. It usually takes a few minutes to answer because I do many things, for many people,...
View ArticleWiwa Crisis Colombia Indignous : Lightening Kills 11
NOVEMBER 8th UPDATE NOVEMBER 08 Update: With thanks to this community for your support we were able to make a delivery of food to the Wiwa Community. Christian Castagno, his wife Tatiana L Llinas and...
View ArticleDid you have hypnosis to remember this experience with the Tall Blonds?
When I was on board the UFO with these extraterrestrials one of the things they taught me was how the brain functions and interacts between the body, processing of information and the other worlds....
View ArticleFeb 7th-2015 Starborn Radio Interview with Miriam Delicado
Join Miriam Delicado and the team at Starborn Support for a two hour chat with other experiencers of ET contact. The Radio show is based on Information, Education, and Support for Experiencers and...
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